Is rhodiola rosea good for us?
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Is rhodiola rosea good for us?

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-12-31      Origin: Site

Is rhodiola extract good for anxiety?

Doses of more than 800mg per day may cause side effects such as allergies, insomnia and discomfort. No other side effects were observed. A new study published in the Journal Of Plant Medicine has found that rhodiola rosea, also known as rosea rosea, can treat depression with minimal side effects, The Times of India reported recently.

Jun MAO, an associate professor at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and colleagues studied 57 adult participants recruited between December 2010 and April 2013. All had at least two episodes of major depression, depression, or loss of interest or pleasure in life activities for at least two weeks. Other symptoms participants reported included significant and unconscious weight loss or gain, insomnia or lethargy, fatigue, decreased thinking, difficulty concentrating and frequent thoughts of death.

Participants received 12 weeks of standard rhodiola extract, the antidepressant sertraline, and a placebo. The results found that depression symptoms improved slightly in those treated with sertraline compared with those treated with rhodiola extract for 12 weeks. Compared with the placebo group, those taking rhodiola extract and those receiving sertraline showed a 1.4-fold and 1.9-fold improvement in depression symptoms, respectively. However, patients treated with sertraline were twice as likely to experience side effects (mainly nausea and sexual dysfunction) as those treated with rhodiola extract.Rhodiola rosea extract price - RealclearBio

MAO said the new study shows that patients with antidepressant intolerance could soon be treated with rhodiola extract with minimal side effects. Herbal treatments for depression have significant advantages, but larger experimental studies are needed to fully evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of herbal treatments versus traditional depression medications.

How long does it take for rhodiola powder to kick in?

Generally growing on the sunny slope of the high altitude area of about five kilometers, it has the functions of clearing heat and detoxifying, treating sore throat, regulating qi, nourishing the mind and calming the nerves. It can effectively prevent dizziness, headache, rapid heartbeat and other adverse reactions caused by various reasons. Also adapted to mild altitude sickness. Based on years of walking in Tibetan areas and summed up the experience. It is best to start taking them about ten days before heading to the highlands.

Does rhodiola rosea root extract burn fat?

1. Promotes weight loss and fat burning

Many people take rhodiola supplements to lose weight and boost metabolism. It offers many of the same health benefits as bone broth. To understand how it works, we first need to discuss the inner workings of metabolic activity. There are three key points to remember here.

Metabolism is a biochemical process involving anabolism (building and storing energy) and catabolism (breaking down and releasing energy).

ATP(adenosine triphosphate) is the cell's energy currency, similar to the concept that holds money in a bank. ATP is released when the body needs energy. If energy is conserved, ATP is stored in mitochondria.

Ampk (adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase) regulates and maintains cellular energy balance in the body. It can detect low ATP levels and adjust signaling pathways based on current energy requirements.china Plant Extract -realclearbio

Rhodiola contributes to weight loss and fat burning through its mechanism of action by stimulating the AMPK enzyme. When these enzymes are more present in the body, ATP is released from the mitochondria - the cell's energy source.

Activation of AMPK stimulates the catabolic pathway of ATP production while inhibiting the ATP consumption pathway. This effect replenishes the body's supply of ATP, our energy currency, and allows insulin-induced glucose and fatty acids to enter our muscle cells, the whole process improving fat burning and metabolism and allowing our cells to work more efficiently.

2. Burn stored belly fat

The rhodiola rosea compound has been shown to stimulate hormone-sensitive lipase. This stimulation leads to the breakdown of fat stored in adipose tissue (abdominal fat). When combined with daily exercise and a healthy diet, human clinical studies have found that red peak days have an even greater impact on weight loss.

3. Helps control appetite

Animal studies have shown that rhodiola extract can reduce stress-induced overeating. Nutritional supplements are not the traditional way to control hunger or cravings. That being said, rhodiola appears to be effective in regulating the interaction between appetite and stress. While evidence is lacking on appetite control in humans, this potential weight loss benefit complements its main effect.


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