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  • Durian nutritional value is very high, often eat can strengthen the body, spleen tonifying qi, tonifying kidney Yang, warm body, is a nourishing beneficial fruit. Durian heat can promote blood circulation and relieve dysmenorrhea. It is especially suitable for women who suffer from dysmenorrhea. It can also improve the abdominal cold, promote the rise of body temperature, is an ideal tonic for people with cold constitution.
  • Stop vomiting and dizziness. Eating mango for vertigo, Meniel syndrome, hypertension vertigo, nausea and retch are very good effect. In ancient times, people who traveled across the ocean would always take some mangoes with them to cure air sickness. Melon flesh or eat with mango fried water, also has a very good practical effect on suppressing nausea in pregnant women.
  • Kiwi dried fruit, also known as kiwi dried fruit, is made from kiwi slices, rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, beauty, appetizer and digestion effect, ordinary people can eat, especially for constipation. Kiwi fruit vitamin C content can be described as excellent, every 100 can pulp, contains 100 milligrams of vitamin C, if the amount of daily intake of 1000 milligrams to calculate, only need to eat 10 kiwi is enough.

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