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  • Mutually influential instruments and equipment are placed together, interfere with each other, and the data are inaccurate.
  • Rose mask: Soak 25 to 50 grams of rose petals in 100 milliliters of water and pound them into a paste for 2 hours. Apply to face before going to bed and wash off with warm water after drying. Efficacy: moisturize skin, promote blood circulation and improve complexion. Natural blush (apply rose pollen directly to your cheeks) Take a bath (Sprinkle 50g of rose powder into the bath. Can contract the whole body skin, supply nutrition, fragrance body beauty)

  • Porridge seasoning, juice, fruit mask, cake and bread, moon cake stuffing, children nutrition supplement, sick liquid food, ice cream, jelly pudding, health care products, etc. Banana powder is a powder made from processed bananas. It is used as an ingredient in milkshakes and baby food. It is also used to make various types of cakes and biscuits.
  • Cranberry, concord grape and blueberry are known as the three traditional fruits in North America. At the same time, it also has the characteristics of high water, low calorie, high fiber and many minerals, which can supplement the human body with a variety of vitamins and minerals, and also help the human immune cells prevent the invasion of a variety of diseases.

Committed to the research and development of natural plant extracts, production,Shaanxi Real Clear Bio-Tech Co.,Ltd...Details

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