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  • Durian meat contains 11% starch, 13% sugar, 3% protein, as well as fat, vitamin C, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other trace elements. Boiled bone soup with durian husk is a good tonic, and the core and inner flesh are often used to stew chicken soup, which can replenish qi and relieve stomach cold, and can also be used as a nourishing soup for women.
  • Lemon peel powder​ has excellent skin effect. It contains rich vitamin C, and can whiten the skin.
  • The shelf life of wolfberry fruit is 18 months. The storage method of wolfberry is sealed in a cool and ventilated place. Wolfberry is rich in carotene, a variety of vitamins and calcium, iron and other essential nutrients for healthy eyes, so it has the power of bright eyes, commonly known as "bright eyes child". The content of procyanidins contained in black wolfberry is 3690 mg per 100 grams, which is more than 22 times that of blueberries.

  • Stop vomiting and dizziness. Eating mango for vertigo, Meniel syndrome, hypertension vertigo, nausea and retch are very good effect. In ancient times, people who traveled across the ocean would always take some mangoes with them to cure air sickness. Melon flesh or eat with mango fried water, also has a very good practical effect on suppressing nausea in pregnant women.
  • Many people like to drink health tea, there are common chrysanthemum tea, red dates tea, angelica tea, hawthorn tea and so on. But many people drink tea for health preservation not just for hobby but for good health or to achieve certain functions. Soaking in water is certainly effective, but some d

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