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  • Several grains are actually distant ancestors or relatives of common wheat. Each is a type of wheat and contains gluten. Despite the common misconception that these grains are for those with celiac disease or wheat sensitivity, this is not the case. Foods sold in the United States that are made from any of the following grains must be labeled as wheat containing the allergen.
  • Sterilization and anti-inflammatory effect. Most of the anthracene ketone compounds of aloe has antibacterial, sterilization, anti-inflammatory, detoxification, and promote wound healing, and so on, the study found that bitter and aloe emodin glycosides have sterilization, anti-inflammatory effects, sterilization, anti-inflammatory function of aloe can effectively remove acne, acne, clinically used to treat a variety of inflammation, curative effect is remarkable.
  • Rosmarinic acid has a very strong activity of scavenging free radicals in the body and an antioxidant effect.

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