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  • Yam (Dioscorea opposita), also known as Huai Shan and Yam, is a common edible and medicinal plant. Its roots are fat and grow like yams, hence the name yams. Yam is not only widely loved as a delicious ingredient, but also has a wealth of beauty effects. However, as a natural medicine, yam also has
  • The Chinese Herbal Chongyuan emphasizes that Chinese yam is good for muscles because it can "mend deficiency and lei lei". That is to say, Chinese yam is a "tonic". It can strengthen muscles, replenish energy and enhance physical fitness for weak people, which almost includes the effects pursued by modern people to eat various expensive "health care products".

Committed to the research and development of natural plant extracts, production,Shaanxi Real Clear Bio-Tech Co.,Ltd...Details

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