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  • Currently, the world's gene bank holds approximately 40,000 varieties of beans, although only a small fraction is produced in large quantities for everyday consumption. [18]Most of the foods we call "beans", "legumes", "lentils" and "legumes" are all in the same family of legumes ("legumes"), but th
  • Beans are the seeds of legumes, vegetables used as human or animal food. [1] They can be cooked in many different ways,[2] including boiled, fried and baked, and are used in many traditional dishes around the world.TerminologyThe word "bean" and its Germanic cognates (such as the German Bohne) have
  • Black soybean meal can brew directly, can generally take a spoonful of black soybean meal, and then put it into the cup, with boiling water, stir constantly, make its together the powder and water, of course also can according to your own taste, right amount add some honey or sugar in brewing, not only can supplement the kidney, nourish hair, also has the very good effect for skin care, You can drink a cup of black bean powder every day, there is a better effect.

Committed to the research and development of natural plant extracts, production,Shaanxi Real Clear Bio-Tech Co.,Ltd...Details

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