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  • Pumpkin side effects have the following points, first, pumpkin can not be eaten with mutton, may cause abdominal distention, chest tightness and other symptoms. Second, pumpkin is rich in oil and high in calories. People who have symptoms of stomach heat should eat less, and eating too much will cause hyperthermia and sores in the mouth and tongue.
  • Do not eat on an empty stomach Kiwi fruit contains more organic fruit acid, empty stomach eating will increase the amount of gastric acid secretion, causing irritation to the gastric mucosa. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat kiwi fruit on an empty stomach, especially those with gastrointestinal problems.

  • Tomato powder is made from dried tomatoes. Tomato powder is rich in nutrition, which contains a lot of vitamin C and minerals, belongs to the low calorie, low fat food. Regular use of tomato powder can whiten, anti-aging, anti-cancer, weight loss and fat reduction, heat and detoxification, stomach digestion, thirst and so on. And tomato powder can also be applied externally or do facial mask, but also can play a beauty, fade the effect of color spots.
  • Eating beets regularly is very good for bone health. Calcium is needed in our blood, muscles and nervous system, and a lack of calcium can affect bone health and cause muscle cramps and cramps (magnesium deficiency can also cause similar problems). Mental diseases such as insomnia and nervous tension; Blood health can also be affected.
  • Rose mask: Soak 25 to 50 grams of rose petals in 100 milliliters of water and pound them into a paste for 2 hours. Apply to face before going to bed and wash off with warm water after drying. Efficacy: moisturize skin, promote blood circulation and improve complexion. Natural blush (apply rose pollen directly to your cheeks) Take a bath (Sprinkle 50g of rose powder into the bath. Can contract the whole body skin, supply nutrition, fragrance body beauty)

  • "Blueberry flavor: light aroma, sweet and sour. The average weight of blueberry fruit is 0.5-2.5g, and the maximum weight is 5g. The blueberry fruit is beautiful, pleasing to the eye, blue and covered with a layer of white fruit powder. The fruit flesh is delicate, the seed is very small, and the edible rate is 100%. It is best to put fresh blueberries into the refrigerator immediately after buying them, and the best storage temperature is 1~3°C. It can be insured for 5-7 days.
  • Durian nutritional value is very high, often eat can strengthen the body, spleen tonifying qi, tonifying kidney Yang, warm body, is a nourishing beneficial fruit. Durian heat can promote blood circulation and relieve dysmenorrhea. It is especially suitable for women who suffer from dysmenorrhea. It can also improve the abdominal cold, promote the rise of body temperature, is an ideal tonic for people with cold constitution.
  • Wolfberries can't be frozen. Because goji berries are easy to grease and mold when frozen in an environment of minus 10 degrees Celsius, but can be stored in cold storage. Guava is succulent, has few seeds in the heart, and is very edible. Guava itself is also rich in nutrients, protein and vitamin C content is particularly high, people often eat can effectively enhance the quality of the body.

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