Ivy leaf extract's efficacy introduction
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Ivy leaf extract's efficacy introduction

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-01-21      Origin: Site

What is ivy leaf extract good for?

Ivy extract is an extract from the leaves of a plant. Its main use is to promote respiratory health, but it can also be used to protect the skin against aging. The extract is available in capsule and liquid form and can be found in many ointments and creams. Ivy is native to southern Europe and should not be confused with the poisonous ivy of South America.

Some components of ivy have expectorant effects. This means it helps reduce the build-up of mucus in the respiratory system. Saponins and alkaloids called emmetine increase mucus secretions in the lungs, which can be excreted through the mouth during coughing. Cough sometimes causes bronchial muscle spasms, and the extract relieves spasms.

Ivy extract is especially good for patients with certain conditions such as asthma and bronchitis. Symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing, and severe wheezing. This is associated with inflammation of the bronchial airways leading to reduced airflow in the lungs. This essential oil helps boost the immune function associated with the lungs. When mucosal thickness is reduced, fluid can be excreted more easily.Ivy Leaf Extract suppliers - RealclearBio

Lotions or ointments containing ivy extract also help to prevent wrinkles. It helps hydrate dry skin and reduces facial fine lines. In addition, some ointments containing the extract have been shown to relieve pain associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatism. Such ointments help strengthen bones and reduce joint inflammation. If the skin is burned or damaged by inflammation, ivy extract can promote cell regeneration and healing.

Is ivy extract safe?

"But there are no reports that ivy extract is unsafe for external use. When taken in small amounts for a short period of time, ivy extract does not produce any side effects. However, children under 10 years of age who use the extract to treat respiratory illnesses should be given a reduced dose as appropriate. Because it contains saponins that can cause nausea and vomiting. Pregnant women should not use it because ivy promotes uterine contractions and is therefore prone to premature delivery. Also, do not apply ivy plants directly to exposed skin as this can cause severe allergic reactions."

What are the side effects of ivy leaf extract?

This species is a poisonous plant included in Chinese plant atlas database. The toxicity of this species was increased muscle tone, vertical tail, deep and prolonged breathing, clonic convulsion and death of mice after intraperitoneal injection of chloroform extract of ivy branches and leaves at 500mg/kg. However, there are no reports that ivy extract is unsafe for external use.

When taken in small amounts for a short period of time, ivy extract does not produce any side effects. However, children under 10 years of age who use the extract to treat respiratory illnesses should be given a reduced dose as appropriate. Because it contains saponins that can cause nausea and vomiting. Pregnant women should not use it because ivy promotes uterine contractions and is therefore prone to premature delivery. Also, do not apply ivy plants directly to exposed skin as this can cause severe allergic reactions.ivy leaf extract sore throat - RealclearBio

Can ivy extract cause breathing problems?

Some components of ivy have expectorant effects. This means it helps reduce the build-up of mucus in the respiratory system. Saponins and alkaloids called emmetine increase mucus secretions in the lungs, which can be excreted through the mouth during coughing. Cough sometimes causes bronchial muscle spasms, and the extract relieves spasms.

Is ivy leaf extract powder toxic to humans?

Ivy is poisonous. According to research, ivy fruit, seeds and leaves are toxic, if accidentally ingested will cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms, serious cases will also cause gastrointestinal inflammation, coma, and even lead to breathing difficulties, so we must pay attention to do not accidentally ingesting.

Does ivy leaf extract help mucus?

Experts believe ivy extract can reduce the accumulation of mucus in the lungs.

For those with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) this can help ease breathing. A promising study found that ivy extract effectively improved lung function in children with chronic bronchial asthma.


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